If there is a reffing team scheduled they should provide the following: R1 & R2 plus 2 line judges. Score board should be maintained by someone other than the R1.

Each court will be provided a clip board with scheduled matches. R1 must record scores at end of each SET. Please do not wait until the end of the match.

Unless listed here or the PGVC HOUSE RULES we will follow standard USA Volleyball Rules & Regulations.

Our policies/expectations for this league:

Start time & forfeits: Matches are scheduled at 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, and 9:00 PM. Teams will get a 5 minute warm-up and must start immediately after. If a team does not have sufficient amount of players they can choose a player on the reffing team to fill in until their player arrives. or 10 minutes has elapsed. If time has elapsed, the team without their missing player will forfeit the first set of the match and another 10 minutes will be started (and 2nd set begins play with borrowed player). If the second 10 minute timer expires, the second set will be declared a forfeit and the match is over. In either case where a 10 minute timer has been started and the missing player shows up to play the team will be charged one of their two time-outs allowed per set in order to replace borrowed player.

Tracking/Verifying Scores: Each court will have a clipboard with the list of scheduled matches for the night. After each SET the R1 must record the score for each team. Please do not wait until the end of the match to fill out scores. This will help everyone stay current and correct. Teams must verify scores before leaving the premises. Verification is completed with a team members initials next to their team name on matches scheduled. If no verification is made then what is recorded will stand.

Substitutions: Teams can use (bring in) any sub without restrictions. *EXCEPTION: in the case that a player is being borrowed to start a match, if the team decides the borrowed player will fill in in order to avoid being charged a forfeit/loss, they must fill in the entire night and cannot play on their regular team.

LIBERO: can serve one position, female OR male allowed to replace.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION 07/02/20 - Thanks for your continued support and patience.