FB 2019 Schedule of Events

Our 6th Year running Fall Ball


We would like to thank everyone who is participating in this year's tournament. It is our largest tournament to date with every division capped and 3 PAID teams on the wait list!! It is something very exciting and something we couldn't have done without all of you!! Our tournament motto this year is:

"No US without U!!

Order lunch for Saturday and/or Sunday from Lucky Panda Deli, owned and operated by one of our PGVC members

THURSDAY, October 10th

  • Get in early and take advantage of discounted shopping at the Nike Employee Store!

  • Meet Up at "Little Taco and Tequila" for some food, drinks, and karaoke! (Singing NOT required!)

FRIDAY, October 11th

  • Contact Aunty D, Unko G, or Peit for a pass to Nike!! If the folks on Thursday left any inventory, today would be the second best day to hit up the Employee Store prior to the tournament.

  • If you're looking for PORTLAND things to do, check out the TOP 10 list created by members of PGVC.

  • Day Drinking? Yes, please!! It's common place here in the Pacific Northwest and Portland, OR is still in the top 10 of the United States Cities with most breweries per capita, 9 breweries per 50,000 people; population just over 653,000 according to Population and Housing Unit Estimates May 2019...Portland, Maine is actually #1 with 18 breweries per 50,000 people. Join Peit and company on a Pub Crawl around Old Town with a special stop into Ground Kontrol for all you arcade fanatics...

  • Fall Ball Registration - hosted in the Rainbow Room at CC Slaughters Nightclub starting at 7:00 pm til around 9:30-10:00 pm for those driving in (please contact us if you're ETA on your navigation app says anywhere close or between "9:15pm-9:45" after that, we will most likely be done for the evening and will see you at the gym prior to your first match.

It is very much appreciated when teams attend tournament registration party’s!! It helps to keep Saturday Pool Play schedule on track, as well as reduces a HUGE amount of stress for everyone it takes to organize, plan, and operate a NAGVA sanctioned tournament): Regional Commissioners, Tournament Desk Staff, your captains, R1 Evaluators, and last but not least, your hosts: Unko G & Aunty D (plus everyone staying up at the hale, their respective team mates, and their super handsome & “obedient” pup, KA-IPO!!)

YES, ALL OF THESE PEOPLE are VERY THANKFUL when teams attend the registration party!!

  • Meet up, snacks, and karaoke at "Little Taco and Tequila", conveniently across the street from the Rainbow Room...for those who want to talk to each other without having to scream, this is a great place to move to after you've registered!! Party stops when you stop or 2:00 am, whichever happens first.

Saturday, October 12

- POOL PLAY doors open at 8:00 am for morning pool - afternoon pools start around 1:00 pm (check schedule for confirmation - this is YOUR individual player responsibility, not your captains)

HELP US STAY ON TIME AND COME EARLY!! ALSO, please help us keep facility CLEAN and NO DRINKS OR FOOD ON HARDWOOD FLOOR AREAS!! NONE, NADA, NO MEANS NO!! We want to keep this facility and those are their rules! Please respect and obey!

THPRD's Terpenning Athletic Complex (15707 SW Walker Road, Beaverton, OR 97006)

  • If you picked up your PGVC member card, consider visiting the Nike Employee before or after pool play!!

  • Food orders from Lucky Panda Deli delivered for those who pre-ordered...PLEASE contact Aunty D (vicepresident@pgvc.org or FB messenger) to place an order...these are discounted meals and will be delivered to the playing facility so all you need to worry about is being on the right court, at the right time, with the right line up!! Orders will be taken until Wednesday, October 9th. Payment is appreciated as soon as you are able. PLEASE coordinate with team members to order and pay as a team, it will make things a lot easier. We will take individual orders and payments if you want to take advantage of this option and your team does not.

  • Tournament shirts will be given out today!! We will hand out a team bag that someone connected with your team will need to sign for. Exchanges on sizes will only be done after we have verified that all teams have received their shirts. If your size is not available, we will have a list of sizes needed and put your name on it, we will do our best to find you if your size comes in and is available but check in with Molly and/or AJ, often, as we will have our priority on the running of the tournament.

  • SEEDING EVENT STAG PDX 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Join us for some drinks, a drag queen or two, and some male strippers. We will have some light snacks available (until supplies last) and you can get a private lap dance and tell him the #TRUTH about how you feel about your team and what seed you finished.

Sunday, October 13

- BRACKET PLAY THPRD Doors open at 8:00 am

Today is the day that counts! Who cares if your team record is 0-8? That you lost your unrated player that got all the sets on Saturday? or that only 4 of your team mates have reported to the gym and the others aren't answering their texts/calls? ANYTHING can happen today! All you gotta do is DREAM BIG, think positive thoughts, and BELIEVE....

Ok, ok...we all know that's a bunch of horse sh!t...crack those whips and get your players ready to do battle! Your friends, those players on the other side of the net, will be your "loser friends" after you crush their dreams and send them into the loser bracket or eliminate them from the tournament as you climb your way back up!! NO MERCY!! But there are official R1's today so play fair, clean and most importantly - to WIN!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! Remember, volleyball is a game and games are supposed to be FUN...and winning IS fun!!! Bragging rights are on the line, along with an MVP award, All Star awards and the coveted Defensive Diva award, which happened to originate in the PNW (BT dubs...).

- AWARDS CEREMONY THPRD Conclusion of Play

We will do our best to schedule so that all Divisions wrap up around the same time. Come and support those who fought hard all weekend for the chance to win the GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE in all three divisions. We will also name and give awards to 5 All Stars, a Defensive Diva, and 1 MVP to make an All-Tournament team for each division.

Post tournament, we plan to set something up at Little Taco and Tequila to celebrate your victories, drown out your sorrows, and/or sing your blues away!! Will let you know an official plan once it has been confirmed.